LOCATION: Allatoona Pass Battle Field
564 Old Allatoona Rd SE
DATE: Sunday, March 15, 2009
11:00am - 6:00pm
AGE: 15+
GUNS: any spring or electric rifles or gas pistols/uzi type airsoft guns
AVG # OF PLAYERS: We need 40 or more and you count as 1 so we neeeeeed you! bring your team and/or airsoft friends
DESCRIPTION:This is going to be a huge airsoft game that we have been planning for a while. We need to get as many players as possible so invite all of your airsoft friends/team/whatever. we are going to play mostly spawn and medic games because there will be lots of players. If you come with friends or a team we will keep you guys together on the overall team arranging. The field is great. Many man-sized trees with hardly and under brush or small trees to mess up your shots. Some hills too. It is located on a peninsula so the boundaries are the shoreline on 3 sides and the path on the 4th side.
let us know if you are interested and we can try to get you more info.
general rules:
-always have eye protection on while a game is in session
-do not go outside of said boundaries (not really possible with water. you can swim as far as you want)
-always call you hits (do not cheat) *shout, "hit!" and raise your arm or gun above your head and head back to respawn or waiting area.
-don't talk to players if you are out. "dead men tell no tales"
Picture of the battlefield. This is just a rough idea.
564 Old Allatoona Rd SE
DATE: Sunday, March 15, 2009
11:00am - 6:00pm
AGE: 15+
GUNS: any spring or electric rifles or gas pistols/uzi type airsoft guns
AVG # OF PLAYERS: We need 40 or more and you count as 1 so we neeeeeed you! bring your team and/or airsoft friends
DESCRIPTION:This is going to be a huge airsoft game that we have been planning for a while. We need to get as many players as possible so invite all of your airsoft friends/team/whatever. we are going to play mostly spawn and medic games because there will be lots of players. If you come with friends or a team we will keep you guys together on the overall team arranging. The field is great. Many man-sized trees with hardly and under brush or small trees to mess up your shots. Some hills too. It is located on a peninsula so the boundaries are the shoreline on 3 sides and the path on the 4th side.
let us know if you are interested and we can try to get you more info.
general rules:
-always have eye protection on while a game is in session
-do not go outside of said boundaries (not really possible with water. you can swim as far as you want)
-always call you hits (do not cheat) *shout, "hit!" and raise your arm or gun above your head and head back to respawn or waiting area.
-don't talk to players if you are out. "dead men tell no tales"
Picture of the battlefield. This is just a rough idea.