Me and a teammate have been painting and "customizing" skate helmets to sell. Our whole team uses them and loves them because of their good looks, protection, and weight. They are very comfortable and weigh less than replica MICH helmets. We would paint the helmets the color or mix of colors that the customer would want, add velcro (for patches, nvg ballasts, strobes etc.) and sell them for around 30 dollars. We will be bringing two to sell at the CQC game and swap meet on the 20th. If anyone could give us some information on what they think we can do to make these helmets better please reply, if you have any requests for one please PM me. If you would like one made we can do it before the swap meet and have it there. Here are a couple pictures of my current helmet, I painted it green to match the rest of my team but we can do it in tan, brown, black or a mix. The ones we will be selling on the 20th will most likely have a tan base with green lightly sprayed over some mesh unless anybody requests differently.
Last edited by theangryschnoodle on 12.11.10 20:50; edited 1 time in total