Hey guys. Dagger Unit is starting to get back into airsoft, and while we will be playing at official fields and official games, we are also very interested in playing private matches against other airsoft teams. We would really enjoy the opportunity to go head to head with another group of organized airsofters so that we can practice our teamwork, learn our strengths and weaknesses, and have fun, as well as make friends among the airsoft community. Of course, these would be friendly matches, not looking for a .... measuring contest. We are looking for a fun and spirited competition between two like-minded groups of people. We are willing to play on the field of any team, or, conversely, we can offer up some spots where we can host the match (private and legal land please ). So, if you think you have what it takes, send me or any other member of Dagger Unit a message, either on the forum, facebook, or through our website daggerunit.com ; Hope to generate some interest out of this, see yall out there, and thanks for your time.