the weather says sunny and 84 with a 10% chance of rain.
we don't seem to get a good turn out if it looks like rain or its cloudy
so i am gonna say its a go for it weekend
sat noon to five @ acz
gonna drop the price to $15 bucks a head
lets get us an old fashioned ACZ game going
i want to see a good turn out, i have the air raid sirens and want to run a base blow game using the entire field. the game will run anywhere up to two hours.
lets sling some plastic!!!!!!!
the weather says sunny and 84 with a 10% chance of rain.
we don't seem to get a good turn out if it looks like rain or its cloudy
so i am gonna say its a go for it weekend
sat noon to five @ acz
gonna drop the price to $15 bucks a head
lets get us an old fashioned ACZ game going
i want to see a good turn out, i have the air raid sirens and want to run a base blow game using the entire field. the game will run anywhere up to two hours.
lets sling some plastic!!!!!!!