Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service
Common Name: Umbrella Airsoft or UBCS Airsoft
Team Type: Community of players
Age Limit: 14 - No Exceptions
# of Members: 12
Member fee: Required, $20 a year (Explained later)
Uniform Required: YES
Fields: SACOM, SACOM 2.0, SACOM Outdoor, GeorgeTown
Leaders: (List of all members on the bottom)
Captain Macias [USANG] [Team Commander]
1st Lieutenant Gibbs [Team Backup Commander]
Master Sergeant Picklez [Team Recruiter]
Sergeant Hangtime [Fireteam Leader]
Corporal Shmekal [Fireteam Leader]
About Us: We are a team that is dedicated to keeping the sport of Airsoft fun and enjoyable for everyone. We do and will participate in league play once it starts back, but we are more lax players that are more into the sport for fun and organization. The member fee is to pay or your nametag and part of the team's ammo. All money from team fees goes right back to the team.
How to Join: We will find you. Our team is an Invitation only team, and we are always looking for good, honest and fun players. If you would like to be noticed, play with or against our team! If we see that you are calling hits, and are fun to play with, then there is a good chance that you will be asked to join. We are not out there just looking for pro players, we have all skills on our team. To be invited, a NCO (we currently have 3) has to submit a request to a CO (we currently have 2) and the CO will decide if you are a viable candidate. After that, you must pass a live-fire demonstration and you will be on if you pass!
Team Fees:
Our team requires all of its members to pay a team fee, on top of the uniform. The team fee will allow you to use TEAM .3g BB's, all of your batteries and guns will be converted to DEANS, you will receive FREE diagnostics from some of the best techs in GA. You will also have access to 2 TRITON 2 BATTERY CHARGERS during games. These are good because they charge quickly, and are hooked up to car batteries for maximum power. Your team fee will also pay for your nametape and ranks that will be given to you.
Our team does require a uniform, you will be given specifics as you join the team. We wear tiger stripe bottoms (Outdoor), Tan bottoms (Operations), and Black bottoms (Indoor) with a BLACK BDU/ACU top. You must bear the UBCS/UMBRELLA insignia.
Current Members:
Captain Macias
1st Lieutenant Gibbs
Master Sergent Picklez
Sergent Hangtime
Corporal Shmekal
Specialist Chris L.
Private First Class Kris G
Private First Class Roman
Private Wraith
Private Josh "Einstein"
Private Sam "Doodles"
Private Kayla "Boss"
Feel free to ask questions or post pictures in this thread.
Thank you and look forward to seeing you all on the field.
//1LT Gibbs