Since people and societies tend to lack the self control necessary to live peaceably with one another, we find there is a need for a system of laws. The US Government is certainly the best idea to date. The problem with government, no matter what party is in charge, is that by its very nature is is self perpetuating. Lawmakers feel they were elected to enact law, not uphold law. Thus, each year thousands of new laws and regulations find their way onto the books. Some seem so necessary and pressing. Many are sold to us by creating a panic over the newest crisis. Every new law that is enacted is one less choice you get to make in life. Every dollar confiscated from your paycheck is a dollar you don't get to choose how to spend.
I believe every politician in Washington has earned our complete DISTRUST. They speak in platitudes while operating in the gutter. They pat you on the back while snapping a rubber glove on the other hand. They tell you all the problems they want to solve, and each solution creates a bigger problem. They decry the greed on Wall Street while taking payments under the table. They claim to be for the common man, but are truly only beholden to special interests. And in the end the only interest they are after is that of being reelected.
No one ever retires from Congress a poor man or woman. Congress exempts themselves from the onerous and obtrusive laws they pass. They talk about budget cuts and fiscal responsibility, but the budget never gets smaller. They give moneys and perks to special interests and even family members in their states, all the while claiming to be free from corruption. Never be fooled. Congress is not looking out for your welfare, they are looking for your vote. And once they have it, they will forget what they told you to get it.
As for Government waste, Federal Government MISPLACES as much money each year as a medium sized Fortune 500 company will gross. They simply cannot find billions of dollars. The US Postal Service lost 9 billion dollars last year, while losing 2 billion the year before. And Congress, who is the overseer of this dinosaur, can't seem to decide how to fix it, because they know if they make the business decisions that will prolong its life a few more years, they will alienate the labor organizations, and dollars they control, that represent better than 75 percent of the Postal work force. Not to mention Congress turning a blind eye to Social security which the GAO has projected to 7 trillion dollars in the red by 2035. Or medicare that will be 34 Trillion dollars upside down by 2040. Why, because they would rather have your vote now than truly solve a problem looming in the future, and possibly alienate voters who have grown so dependent on federal programs they have lost the ability to think for themselves.
That is part of what I think about Congress. There should be term limits and service should be voluntary only with no pay or reward. Maybe then we can elect people who care about people and not votes and enriching themselves.
God Bless America, the greatest country on earth. I just hope it can stay that way.