If I'm not grounded, hand in
all of my late school-work and catch a ride, I'll be rolling with the Georgian Team at SOCO. More specifically, I'll be following my friends in the S-S-U, being my first big OP and they were at OP: Venom so they know the field. I've supplied two of their members, Zero and Fuzz, with 3 color DCUs. I'm also lending Bassman, if he goes, some DCUs and I myself will be donning a full set. This is what I'll be totin' (if I go):
Sorry about my barrel disappearing into oblivion. My room has bad lighting.
Or maybe my "cut-down" boonie:
If you were wondering what's in the pouch strapped to my leg:
And yes, only now do I realize my finger is on the trigger. Don't hate. I'm just killing invisible bad-guys with invisible bbs that feed from an invisible magazine. While the weapon is on safe...
Before anyone flips out: I know I can't wear a gas mask as face protection. I can't even see without my glasses so don't expect to see me wearing it on the field. It was cheap and awesome so I bought it.
And Break it down!
3 color DCU BDU Jacket. I have the sleeves rolled up in the "Marine" fashion like they used to be able to do. Note: I usually don't roll them up this way; I was just in a hurry. I usually fold them up "Army" style, where the camouflage is on the outside and you can pull them down really quick in case of a NBC situation.
3 Color DCU Trousers
I must chose one. I like the convenience of having better visibility with the "cut-down" boonie but I prefer the look of the full size boonie. Both are marked with a peace symbol on the front and my call sign- Hippie, on the back.
M17A1 Gas Mask with "Drop-Leg" Carrier, Black "Military Style" Goggles and GS/FRP-1 Pilots Summer Flying Gloves AKA Nomex Flight Gloves. Pretty Simple and common stuff.
Possibly the
lamest webgear set up
ever. I admit it: It's
BAD. Consists of:
M1956 Suspenders, Regular (I wear a long, hence the reason my belt sits at my belly button and not where I want it; at my waist-line)
M1956 Pistol Belt, Horizontal Weave
M1942 First Aid/ Compass Pouch
Scope Case, Unknown nomenclature
I want to hit up the Army-Navy store just once more to pick up one mag pouch, a pair of suspenders that fit, a butt pack and a whole lotta canteens + covers. I have no ride and I gotta buy other stuff, mostly for my new G&P M16A1. I can go with what I have though.
I don't have A picture of my boots 'cause I was wearin' 'em. I swear they aren't interesting and I know you guys don't care anyways.
If you're wondering why I'm not wearing the flak jacket you see in the background of some of the photos, it's because it's an Extra-Large and I wear a medium for everything. That's why the BDU's look a tad big too. Those are a Large Regular and I'm a Medium Regular.
We're moving and I can't find the 3 Color DCU Camelbak I
know my dad has. I've seen it and that's what I'll carry water with.