My first post in here (and I bet you just couldn't bet I'd be up for a good debate
) will be this:
I am a Christian. Baptist, specifically.
I do not agree with EVERYTHING my church teaches as I don't believe anyone is perfect or can have a perfect idea on everything. That said, I will say that I do NOT have all of the answers. However, I do firmly believe that my strength in my faith along with prayer, fellowship, and a LOT of personal experience has led me to have many. Of course, I do suppose that is what we are debating, right?
My answer to Gunny1.5:
I believe there is one God with one face. Now there are 3 parts to God, which we call the Trinity. This is what confuses some people. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one in the same, but three parts. God is essentially the Father, the Creator, etc. Jesus was His Son whom God sent to us in the form of a man. However, as Jesus was conceived perfectly of God (Joseph was his earthly father, but Mary did not become pregnant from sexual activity), He was one with God and therefore perfect. No human can ever possibly be perfect because we are all separate from God at birth and conceived from other humans.
Now, with the base down, why has He let everything happen? As humans, we have free will. Do you know about Adam and Eve? They were made perfectly, in God's own image, and they had free will to do as they please. Lucifer, the most beautiful and powerful of God's angels, basically wanted to overthrow God (if we have free will, is it so hard to believe that angels do as well?). Of course, this is sin at its finest, and so Lucifer was no longer of God, and no longer an angel as we would define it, but rather a demon. Now Lucifer (Satan), came to Adam and Eve in the garden and tempted them to eat from the one tree God commanded them not to. The tree is what would give humans the knowledge of good and evil, and to know what evil is is to be able to follow it. As Lucifer is the most powerful and was the most beautiful (though he came in the form of a serpent), it is understandable how persuasive he would be. Anyway, Adam and Eve ate from the tree, and were introduced to sin. No longer perfect, they had to leave the garden, and here starts humanity.
So, with the 2nd base down (lol), God has let everything happen because of our own accord. He cannot control us because He gave us our own ability to choose. Also, if He were to control us, then we would be perfect and directly of Him, right? So what has happened is because of the sin of man, not God's uncaring or unloving of us. He does in fact love us so much that Jesus, who He sent as His perfect Son, was the sacrifice when He died on the cross so that we may have a direct relationship with God.